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Animation and Video

RGB/Videolink(R) 1600U

RGB Spectrum

The RGB/Videolink 1600U transforms high resolution computer graphics totelevision format in real time. This allows recording on any video taperecorder and connection to video projectors, teleconferencing systems andcomposite monitors. The 1600U synchronizes automatically to all computerRGB signals with horizontal scan rates from 20-90 kHz, including mostpersonal computers and workstations. Both interlaced and non-interlacedinputs are accepted. Synchronization and set-up are completelyautomatic. The 1600U measures the horizontal and vertical frequencies ofthe input signal and sets up the parameters for the sharpest picture,correct aspect ratio and size of the output image. State-of-the-artdigital signal processing circuitry eliminates interlace flicker so thateven thin horizontal lines and menu boxes appear stable in the outputimage. Three levels of filtering ensure the best choice between imagesharpness and flicker elimination. Genlock is standard. A built-inlinear keyer overlay s text and graphics on a composite video or S-Videobackground, without the "jaggies" associated with simple one bit keyers.The 1600U features a zoom function which allows display of the fullcomputer image or a portion expanded to fill the screen. The zoomfunction can also be used to manipulate computer images with aspectratios that differ from those of the NTSC or PAL screen.

Language: ?
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Works with any computer up to 1280 x 1024 screen resolution, outputs standard video formats.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2

RGB Spectrum
950 Marina Village Pky
Alameda, CA 94501
Phone: (510) 814-7000
Fax: (510) 814-7026